Adoption information
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On HoldAdoption pending
About Murray and Zena 10yo and 2 yo
Murray and Zena are looking for their forever home. They’ve been the most delightful foster cat companions but deserve a human or humans to permanently call their own. They’re a sweet quiet bonded pair.
Murray is a diminutive older boy who is a beautiful vocal orange and white bundle of fluff. He loves making biscuit on soft blankets has a loud purr and always wants to know what’s going on. He loves having his butt scratched like it’s going out of fashion. He will always seek you out and loves attention and toys and will explore all nooks and crannies and seeking out the highest vantage points he can find. He spends most of the day napping and loves a sunny spot preferably in front of the window where he can view the outside world and any passing birds. He’s not really a lap cat but will come lay next to you on the couch for TV evenings if there’s a fluffy blanket he can make his famous biscuits on.
Zena is his dark and mysterious alter ego. She is a stunner of a black cat with the most classic regal cat proportions. She’s a little nervous and enigmatic but she has the sweetest little chirp of a meow. After some settling in she will come out and join you in the room when you’re watching TV but takes her lead from her more confident friend Murray. After dark when the house is quiet these two come out to explore and play and are generally hilarious ruffians. During the day she will join Murray in finding the sunniest spot in the house preferably with a good view of what’s happening outside. She will reward your patience with her presence and you will admire her alluring glossy good looks!
These two would love a quiet house without small children that they can settle into and call their very own. They are the most lovely deserving cats that have been through a lot recently. Some patience in allowing them to settle down is required as they startle easily but the end result will be a couple of amazing characters that will be glad to see you every night. They’re both super easy with food and fastidious with their litterbox usage and are happy being indoors only.
Adoption details
Animals are desexed, microchipped, vaccinated, wormed and on heartworm prevention / and also FIV tested for cats where possible. They are not available for adoption outside NSW (except ACT). Please email if you would like further information.
Dogs and cats are rehomed on two weeks trial to ensure that both the person adopting them and the rescuer are satisfied that the dog / cat / animal is happy and adapting well to their new home and this can be extended on request
Please be aware that Paws and Recover is run by volunteers who also work. We endeavour to answer enquires as quickly as possible. Some animals will inevitably be very popular and will generate many enquires. Where there is a high volume of enquires received, it will be our priority to contact those that best fit the requirements of the animal. This may mean that it is not possible for all enquires to be answered. Please keep an eye on the website for all updates.
Providing quality information as a part of your enquiry including information about your home environment, family, work hours, other pets and what you are looking for in a companion animal along with what you can offer one will greatly assist.
Please always provide a contact phone number as a part of your enquiry.
This pet has been adopted and found love with its new family.
The rescue group has removed this pet and it is no longer available for adoption.
The rescue group is no longer taking adoption applications for this pet.