Last updated: 24 Aug, 2021
Published on: 29 May, 2019
Ginger the toy comes to life on National Pet Adoption Day 2019
Between all the happy, furry, new beginnings on National Pet Adoption Day, one particular story unfolded like the perfect fairytale when six-year-old Stella’s little toy cat, Ginger, came to life!
Stella and her family happened to walk into their local PETstock store on PetRescue and PETstock National Pet Adoption Day 2019. While clutching her trusty little toy cat named ‘Ginger,’ Stella bumped into a sweet little cat from the rescue group, Adopt Me Kittens, who just happened to have the exact same name and features as her plush!
Stella’s mum, Claire, shared this magical story with us and told us about Stella and Ginger’s special bond.
“As usual, Stella was carrying her little soft toy cat around - she has had this toy for three years, it comes everywhere with us, and she happened to call it Ginger,” Claire said.
“As we walked into PETstock, Stella made a beeline for the cats and kittens, and straight away she spotted Ginger. He was six months old, he had the same markings as her soft toy and they shared the same name.
“She wasn't interested in any other cat or kitten, she only had eyes for Ginger. Needless to say, there was no way we were leaving without Ginger in tow,” recalled Claire.
Was it fairy dust or fate that led to this coincidence? We don’t know, but we love it!
Ginger has since become a permanent fixture in Stella’s full house. “We all just love having him around, he’s such a loving cat, I really enjoy just having cuddles from him,” said Claire.
And as fate would have it, Ginger was the friend that Stella’s other cat Zeus needed all along!
Zeus wasn’t a very social cat before Ginger purred his way into the house. When they finally met, they had a sniff of each other, and instantly curled up on the couch together.
Zeus eventually inherited Ginger’s social skills and is now his best friend.
“He's (Ginger) also brought my older cat out of his shell, he (Zeus) now plays with Ginger and they are always curled up together. It’s such a joy having cats in the house, I would honestly feel lost without them,” said Claire.
Ginger displays his affections with what Claire calls a power smooch, “It's like he can't get enough of being petted so he tries to get under your chin, then under your hand, then he wants a scratch on one ear, then his butt, then his head. He's a funny little dude.”
A story like Claire and Ginger’s is a testimony to the life long connections that are found at PetRescue and PETstock’s National Adoption Day events.
If you want to find a pet that would change your life like Ginger changed Stella’s, then head to our website, and who knows, maybe there’s a toy in your house that might just spring to life.
Did destiny play a role in bringing a rescue pet into your life? Share your story with us at yourstory@petrescue.org.au