Last updated: 20 Oct, 2023
Published on: 27 Jul, 2023
PetRescue and Pet Circle - working together to make the world a better place for pets!

We’re zooming with excitement because Pet Circle and PetRescue are working together to create a better world where every pet is safe and loved as a valued member of the family.
By choosing to adopt a pet, you’re signing up for bucketloads of affection, endless cuddles, and exciting adventures!
When you welcome a new pet into your home, you’re em-barking on a journey to create a special bond - with each pet bringing their own special unique personality and qualities.
We are committed to being there for you every step of the way as you make this special addition to your family!
So, if you're looking to adopt a furry friend, you can get $25 off* and a free Vet Pet Plan thanks to our friends at Pet Circle. Learn more.
Get all the essentials for a better start.
Enquire about a pet and get $25 off* when you spend more than $50 on pet supplies at Pet Circle.
Free personalised guidance to pet better.
Simply fill out a form and get a personalised consult report with expert advice for any nutrition, health, lifestyle and behaviour questions.